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Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Five

I was greeted late this afternoon with a surprise in the mail, when my hydrometer arrived a day earlier than expected. It's been five days since I introduced the yeast to the juice. The specific gravity of the wine should be below 1.010 on the fifth day of fermentation. I was planning on checking tomorrow, as that I expected the hydrometer to arrive then. With it coming a day early, I was able to start the next step ahead of schedule.

The specific gravity of the juice was just within the suggested limit to begin secondary fermentation. After cleaning and sanitizing my equipment, I transferred the six gallons of juice into the secondary fermentor. It will sit in there for another ten days before the juice will be ready for the third step in the process. If all goes as planned, it should be ready next Wednesday night, so check back then!

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