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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Riesling - Day Forty Two

It has been a little over two weeks since I stabilized and cleared the Riesling, however I was busy this week and couldn't bottle at the exact two week point. I wasn't too worried though as I knew a few extra days in the fermentor would actually help the taste. I did one final check of the specific gravity, which was right around 1.000. That means the final alcohol content of the wine is a healthy 12%. None of my roommates were around to help me bottle, so it took me a little longer than last time.

I was extremely pleased with the results of this batch. The wine still tastes young, but definitely has some great potential. Not only did this batch taste better (in my opinion) on bottling day than my last one, I was also able to get more bottles, 28 in total. I bottled 27 750ml bottles and 4 110ml bottles to be used for taste testing every couple of months.

The Merlot will likely be ready to stabilize sometime this week. Also, make sure to vote on the next white varietal!

The first bottle of a white varietal for Zschoche Cellars.

The two current varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon and Riesling.

All 28 bottles of the Riesling.

1 comment:

  1. Sir, when am I going to receive one of these wonderful bubblements in the...FedEx...because mailing it would be illegal... ;) ;)
