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Saturday, May 14, 2011


I made my second trip to the Brew Shop in Oklahoma City today. As I have stated before, it is about an hour and a half drive from where I live. Fortunately however, I had to bring Marissa to the airport and the brew shop is on the way.

In the latest poll I asked which red varietal I should try next. Zinfandel finished 1st with 8 votes, Merlot had 5, Pinot Noir had 4 and Syrah had 2. Unfortunately, Zinfandel was not available, so I went with the second place Marlot as the next batch I would make. I also listened to supporters of Zschoche Cellars who suggested that I increase my production capability, by purchasing a second carboy to be used as a secondary fermentor. I decided to go with a glass fermentor (rather that plastic like my current one) because everything that I've read says glass produces a better final product.

With the procurement of a second fermentor, I doubled my production capability from 30 bottles every 40 days, to 60 bottles every 40 days. Though I don't have the time or money right now to sustain that capability, it is nice to have another secondary fermentor so that I can easily roll into the next batch without having to wait so long. Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to begin the Merlot.

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