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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Riesling - Day One

Zschoche Cellars began fermenting our second round of juice this afternoon. This time it is a Vinters Reserve Riesling white wine kit. I began by sanitizing all of the equipment and then let it dry. That is one thing that I am going to try differently this time around. Last time, I didn't allow the equipment dry. While the sanitizer is "no rinse," I believe that some of the residue hindered a complete fermentation of the sugar and also led to some of the "off tastes" in the finished product.

The Vinters Reserve Riesling kit that I used.
Next, I added a package of bentonite to a small amount of spring water before adding 2.6 gallons of Riesling juice. I stirred the contents after adding an additional 2.4 gallons of water to bring to total volume to 6 gallons.

All of the ingredients that will be added to the juice at different times over the next month.  
Adding the water to the juice.
Gravity feeding the juice into the primary fermentor using the auto siphon.
 After mixing the juice and water, I took a small sample and measured the specific gravity, potential alcohol and percent sugar. The readings were 1.082, 12% and 22% respectively. Finally, I added the yeast to the juice, covered the fermentor and placed it in a dark cabinet. The temperature of the juice is 65 degrees farenheit, which means that it might be a little longer than seven days before I begin the next step. As with the last batch, the yeast will begin fermenting the juice sometime in the next 24 to 48 hours.

The juice with the yeast floating on the surface.

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